Tribe/s of the world
Tribes represent 350 million persons on our planet. They populate our continents, and while very different, they are all united around the love of their earth and a strong attachment to their ancestors.
The relationship of their hands and their gestures with nature is exemplary. The passing on of their cultural knowledge is unique.
They are the last sentinels of the Earth.
Through her photographic work, Anne de Vandiere shows the fragility and the beauty of these peoples, who for centuries, even millennia, have made the choice of being self-sufficient in their environment.
They only take what they need from surrounding nature.
The greedy race for natural resources is the greatest danger threatening them, but they are resilient. Especially since they live in the only areas where biodiversity is respected. Their intuitive and ancestral ecology commands respect.
Photographer Anne de Vandiere has gathered with great care the images and testimonies of these populations on the edge of the world.