As Web services are becoming a larger part of mainstream SOA development
environments, architects and developers are increasingly required to take
ownership of service contract design. In order to make this transition, they
require expert guidance to truly understand the WSDL and XML Schema
languages and apply these technologies to solve real-world problems.
This book provides an end-to-end tutorial for building service contracts using
WSDL, XML Schema (and optionally WS-Policy) within the context of SOA.
It contains detailed coverage of these languages, including expert insights, best
practices, and optimization techniques. The expert author team demonstrates
how to accomplish the contract-first process using common development
platforms from major SOA vendors (such as those provided by IBM,
Microsoft, Sun, and BEA) and provide coverage of additional, non-technical
documents that are often required to supplement the technical Web service
contract (for example, Service Level Agreements).