Anyone with a modicum of industry experience knows that there is an awful lot
of bad code out there. It's not that it's just unsightly. Code that is not clean can
quite easily move beyond being a functional problem to becoming an expensive
organizational issue that has to be dealt with immediately.
There are no shortage of suggestions and methods for cleaning up your code
after it has been written, but in this new book, Robert C. Martin espouses
nipping these potential problems in the bud by cleaning on the fly, rather than
doing it in segments or waiting until the end of a project. The book is a tutorial
and reference that will teach the reader to conceive and write cleaner code
through a multitude of proven examples.
This book shows the PROCESS of cleaning code. Rather than just illustrating
the end result, or just the starting and ending state, Martin shows how several
dozen seemingly small code changes can positively impact the performance and
maintainability of an application's code base. It will also explain why each of
those changes was made. In the end the book will boil all these changes down
into a suite of heuristics and principles that will guide the reader in his own
code cleanups.