Why Stupid?
" Stupid means our intellect is being overruled by our ego in the way we live our lives.
" Stupid means having ego-driven, reality-disconnected thoughts, often leading us into unnecessary and painful beliefs, feelings, behaviors, and physical symptoms.
" Stupid means spending more of our life focused on daily and mortal survival and less of it on truly living.
" Stupid means blocking ourselves from spiritual awakening and being the Love, Life, and Energy-God Is.
" Stupid means failing to recognize and live the Divine Gifts everyone has been given-Life, Creating Our Life, Eternal Life, and God Within.
It's Your Ego-Stupid! exposes you to a greater understanding of your ego; symptoms of ego imbalance involving power, flexibility, and vulnerability; and insights for fixing your ego so you can live the great life you are meant to live.
You are an intelligent, spiritual being capable of becoming a better human being!
-Nick Martin