We've Lost Our Way!
The family is disintegrating, the church perceived as irrelevant and our personal faith reduced to denominational conformance. Meanwhile, atheism, Islam and New Age religions are on the rise. We need more than inspiration, we need another reformation and you need to be part of it.
What is true Christianity? What is the church meant to be like? How is the Christian family supposed to function? How can we make a difference which will yield lasting fruit? It is time to discard the mountains of man's traditions and seek answers from God Himself. After all, man's methods and wisdom, apart from God, have proven a failure throughout history.
Find out the key to personal, family, church and national revival from the one who wrote The Book. If you care about your personal relationship with God, the multigenerational faithfulness of your family and the relevance of your church in an increasingly hostile world, this book is essential reading.