Many books cover functional testing techniques, but relatively few also cover technical testing. The Software Test Engineer's Handbook, 2nd Edition fills that gap.
Authors Graham Bath and Judy McKay are core members of the ISTQB Working Party that created the new Advanced Level Syllabus-Test Analyst and Advanced Level Syllabus-Technical Test Analyst. These syllabi were released in 2012.
This book presents functional and technical aspects of testing as a coherent whole, which benefits test analyst/engineers and test managers. It provides a solid preparation base for the Advanced Test Analyst and Advanced Technical Test Analyst, with enough real-world examples to keep you intellectually invested.
The information presented in this book will help you become a highly skilled Advanced Test Analyst and Advanced Technical Test Analyst. You will be able to apply this information in the real world of tight schedules, restricted resources, and projects that do not proceed as planned.