In the Paris sewers, Judex and a young Maigret battle the Frankenstein Monster.
Meanwhile in Tibet, Alexander Whateley's plans to bring about the return of Yog-Sothoth are thwarted by the combined efforts of JimGrim and Robur the Conqueror.
C. Auguste Dupin tackles the Black Coats with the help of Count of Monte-Cristo, and the mysterious Doctor Omega with that of Sergeant Picard.
In Surrey, a young Harry Dickson teams up with the Sâr Dubnotal to expose the Werewolf of Rutherford Grange, while in the North Atlantic, Allan Quatermain and She encounter Dracula on a doomed ship.
Arsène Lupin meets Lord Dunsany at a soirée and crosses path with the Phantom of the Opera in the Caracombs of Montpellier.
Twenty years later, Doc Ardan has a rematch with the diabolical Doctor Natas and, in the far future, Fantômas lives again!
This anthology of all-new stories, featuring Heroes and Villains from Pulp Literature, edited by JM & Randy Lofficier, combines the talents of renowned authors such as Terrance Dicks (Doctor Who), John Peel (Doctor Who, Star Trek), Robert Sheckley (The Tenth Victim), Brian Stableford (Inherit the Earth , Architects of Emortality), Alain le Bussy and Viviane Etrivert, with a new generation of gifted storytellers such as Matthew Baugh, Win Eckert, G.L. Gick, Samuel T. Payne and Chris Roberson.