Who killed Kennedy? Many keen minds have their doubts about the findings of the Warren Commission. Could Oswald have fired 3 shots in 5.6 seconds with the inaccurate rifle he had - and hit a moving target? Did he even kill patrolman Tippit (the bullets in the body were smaller than the barrel of his revolver)? Was the brown paper bag made only to attract attention? Was Bullet No. 399 a plant? Suppose there was a Second Oswald - a man very similar physically and an expert marksman? Such a man was seen both before and at the time of the murder. Was there a rifleman on the knoll as well as at the Book Depository window? If so this was one of the greatest - and most successful conspiracies of modern times...
THE SECOND OSWALD has been called "the first plausible and significant argumentation on the Kennedy assassination." It takes into account the books by Edward J. Epstein, Mark Lane and Harold Weisberg. Too much was attempted too quickly. Professor Popkin believes that Lee Harvey Oswald may have been innocent and no more than a decoy in a plot to kill the President. His job may have been to divert suspicion and be arrested. A startling alternative to the 'Single Assassin' theory.
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