This book takes on the most important challenges of web programming in PHP
5 using state-of-the art programming and software design techniques including
unit testing, refactoring and design patterns. It provides essential skills for developing
or maintaining complex to moderately complex PHP web applications.
To keep programming productive and enjoyable, state-of-the-art practices and
principles are essential. Object-oriented programming and design help manage
complexity by keeping components cleanly separated. Unit testing helps prevent
endless, exhausting debugging sessions. Refactoring keeps code supple and
readable. PHP offers all this-and more.
This book shows you how to apply PHP techniques and principles to all the
most common challenges of web programming, including:
. Web presentation and templates
. User interaction including the Model-View-Contoller architecture
. Input validation and form handling
. Database connection and querying and abstraction
. Object persistence
. Explains to PHP programmers software engineering principles of design and
architecture of web programming
. How to refactor / redesign / restructure legacy applications
. Improve existing code incrementally and under time constraints
. How to use automated testing
. How to keep web applications secure
. Rich in interesting and useful examples