Would you like to effortlessly persuade the people around you? To get the most out of every situation in life?
If so, then read on…
James Daugherty is an intelligence expert & former CIA Spy who specializes in all forms of human behavior. But there is one area of life where it is critical to get ahead, communication. A spy would be highly ineffective without this skill set.
Conversations of a Spy: An Ex-SPY's guide is designed to help you with just that. It's a combination of the following two books stacked one on top of the other to help you with the high-level communication skills, influence techniques, persuasion strategies and negotiation tactics required to gain the upper hand in any situation.
(Persuasion: An Ex-SPY's Guide to Master the Art of Mind Control Through Powerful Persuasion Techniques & Conversational Tactics for Ultimate Influence in Any Situation)
In this insightful and functional book, you will discover:
How to better apply Cialdini's 6 "Weapons" of Influence
Why you HAVE to start by learning the classic human psychological motivators
What Aristotle can teach you about persuasion
The correct way to use the "reverse psychology" principle
Spy tactics for high-pressure/stakes situations
Conversational strategies & personality traits to win over even the toughest adversary
The importance of small talk, greetings & goodbyes in any interaction
How to deal with insults & arguments like a Pro! (Hint: it's not punching anyone)
… and much more.
An Ex-Spy's Guide to Persuasion is a mixture of methodical methods combined with real-life examples to back up the author's advice. The clever communication and persuasion tricks described will help you in all areas of life from career, relationships and everything in between.
(Negotiation: An Ex-SPY's Guide to Master the Psychological Tricks & Talking Tools to Become an Expert Negotiator in Any Situation)
In this insightful and functional book, you will discover:
How to Identify the 3 negotiator personality profiles (and which one are you)
The verbal & non-verbal rapport building skills that are critical for productive talks
2 factors you MUST know before entering any negotiating table
What a former General Electric Vice President can teach you about getting a better deal
Smart psychological strategies best suited for business & the boardroom
How to use the "I agree" principle for handling objections like a pro!
An Arms Dealer's guide to high stakes auction-style negotiations
A Spy's behavioral modification tricks to execute in the moment (Hint: Think poker, not chess)
… and much more.