I began writing these blogs in 2013 and continued with it sporadically over the next six years, during which time I relocated from Grasmere to Blackburn. It's been a period of great political and social upheaval, but I wanted to focus on the human aspect. The individuals; their lives, stories, favourite places and culinary skills. It was celebratory; a paean to England, its history, the land and the people. I've always found people who don't make the news to be just as interesting, and often more so, than people who do. It proved to be the case as they invited me into their lives and homes, told me stories and took me to fascinating, and often overlooked places on the doorstep. It was the most rewarding project I've ever undertaken.
The later blogs, seven in total, are social commentaries, focusing on the collective rather than the individual. These I've divided throughout the book for balance and perspective. If history teaches us anything it's that we're stronger together: strength lies in unity, not division. Compassion is also a strength.