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The Street-Wise Guide to Getting the Best from Your Lawyer

The Street-Wise Guide to Getting the Best from Your Lawyer


This concise book offers expert advice on how to get good legal advice on the key events in life: * what to do when buying a home. * dealing with taxation. * getting a divorce. * defending a legal case.* managing a business.* writing a will. *handling an estate on the death of a relative. -- and on many other vital topics. As the author says: "We all want honest, skilled, reliable and value-for-money advice. We are fortunate in that law is carefully regulated by official and professional bodies. My purpose is to help the lay-person to know the best place to go for the right legal advice and for constructive help." The book shows how the street-wise consumer can most benefit from the law and from lawyers - from expert solicitors, barristers, and specialists in each subject field. It draws on the author's many years of professional experience. The street-wise reader will not depend on hind-sight, but on fore-sight if possible. Gill Steel is an experienced lawyer who offers guidance on sources of advice in England and Wales, and how to tackle these and other specifics. There is a precise check-list for each key area of action, and guidance to many websites. The book will also be invaluable to practising lawyers, being wide-ranging and fully up-to-date. There is an emphasis is on preparing yourself by reading the relevant section here - and finding out what kinds of help are available. CONTENTS. * Preface. * Guide to jargon. * What you need to know to get the best out of the lawyers who help you move house. * What you need to know to get the best out of lawyers who help you to get divorced. * What you need to know to get the best out of lawyers who help you to make a will. * What you need to know to get the best out of lawyers who help you to manage someone's finances. * Is price what you should be concerned about? * What you need to know to get the best out of lawyers who help you to administer someone's estate on death. * What you need to know to get the best out of lawyers who help you to mitigate tax on death. * What you need to know to get the best out of lawyers who help you to plan the succession to your business. * What you need to know to understand your family trust. How is law made? * Where lawyers fit into the English and Welsh legal system. * The Regulatory framework. * Websites.

Product details

Bound edition
Number of pages:
Publication date:
Edward Everett Root Publishers Co. Ltd
Bound edition
Number of pages:
Publication date:
Edward Everett Root Publishers Co. Ltd


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