
    UN75: Sustainable Engineering in Action

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    UN75: Sustainable Engineering in Action


    This book commemorates the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.

    Published in collaboration with the Institution of Civil Engineers, it shines a spotlight on engineering and how this important industry is tackling the most pressing challenges of the day such as poverty, hunger and inequality, as well as promoting health, peace, education and economic development and protecting the environmental.

    The breadth of projects presented in the book highlight the enormity of the UN's work, from WaterAid providing clean water and sanitation in developing countries within Africa, to the United Nations Office dealing with waste management in Sri Lanka. Huge international organisations such as UNESCO, UNICEF, the World Health Organisation, are also featured.

    Due to the global content of this book, we are confident that it will appeal to readers around the world.

    This book has already been launched in the UK through an online webinar, which was attended by 1,000 people.


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