It's a cloudy Tuesday in October and the residene of Dockwood are going about their business as usuaL In Elmsview Nursing Home, a kitchen porter dutifully prepares lunch for residents. Along Nettlefield Road, a paperboy is delivering his evening round. And in the trees, swallows gather noisily in preparation for their annual migration.
In this bittersweet and contemplative work, Jon McNaught weaves together the everyday lives of locals against the backdrop of autumnal transitions.
« There are few younger comics artists with whom I feel a genuine esthetic kinship, but the radiant and glowing Dockwood is Jon McNaught's loveliest argument yet for the beauty of just simply being alive. It's a gem. » Chris Ware
« McNaught is making his name as one of Britain's most sophisticated poets in comics. » Paul Gravett, Art Review