Action-packed and full of historical details, the Spartapuss series follows the diary of a gladiator cat from Rome to the Land of the Kitons (A.K.A. Britain). Boudicat, the fourth book in the Spartapuss series, was awarded an 'Exclusively Independent' pick of the month award.
In Boudicat, the forth title in the series, Queen Boudicat has declared war on Rome and wants Spartapuss to join her rebel army. Our ginger hero can't see how a tiny tribe of Kitons can take on the mighty Feline Empire. But warrior queens don't take 'No' for an answer. Boudicat is not for turning, she's for burning!
The books are filled with marvelous characters and weird historical facts, which makes them ideal for both cat-lovers and history enthusiasts from around 8 years and upwards. You don't need to have read the other Spartapuss titles to enjoy Boudicat.
"An exciting series... really good books. I would recommend them to 10 year olds and upwards who enjoy thrillers that you can't put down 'til you've read the whole thing!"
Flora Murray, Dalry Secondary School S1, The Journal of Classics Teaching.