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Vom Filik e konots votik

Vom Filik e konots votik


Kis jenonöv-li if tim stoponöv pianiko jü tak lölöfik? Kis ojenon-li if drims no binons bai spets olik. Fütür obik binon-li ya po obs? Bäts yofamaplada binons-li bai lesags onas. Sötobs-li küpälön ad büosagans? Mögos-li das fin tima binon te timafin? Konots konleta at pladons säkis alsotik. Semiks lofons i gesagis. At no binons ai trodiks, e no binons zesüdiko gesags kelis ba äspetol. Dido, nopaspetölos binon utos, kelosi bo ogetol. Konots ela Frank Roger kipädons distöfi gretik dinas, kel ninädon späktrumi lölöfik literata magälik, ed igo golon love on. Semans kanons bo tuvön fluni satüras dagik fa Philip K. Dick, ud igo fluni lovejenöfima poedik fa J. G. Ballard, igo bosili rätas e labürintas komplitiks fa Jorge Luis Borges, kels blebons in mems reidanas lunikumo kas spetoy. Ab fino omutol tuvön vegi lönik ola da länod lienetik, pestuköl fa mödotil konotas brefik. Spelobs, das oplöpol ad lükömön sefiko lü seveg, alöpio kö seveg dabinon... üf nemuiko bal dabinon. -- Frank Roger pämotom ün yel 1957 tö zif Ghent, Belgän. Konot balid oma äpubon üm yel 1975. Siso elautom konotis tumato ömik, kels epubons medü püks plu ka kildeglul in gaseds alsotik, poedotakonlets, e votaseimo. Plä konots magälöfik, i dunom elis collages e däsinotis ma vönaloveikod susjenöfimik ä satirik. Ats epubons in gaseds e buks distöfiks. -- Ralph Midgley studom Volapüki sis yels foldeg. Etradutom vödemis mödik alsotik. Binom Guvan Volapükamufa, Sekretan Kadäma e redakan gaseda almulik: "Vög Volapüka". -- What if time were to grind slowly to a standstill? What if dreams are not what you think they are? Is our future already behind us? Are fairground attractions exactly what they claim to be? Should we listen to fortune-tellers? Could it be that the end of time is merely... the end of time? The stories in this collection ask all sorts of questions. Some of them also give answers. They're not always comforting, and not necessarily the answers you might have been expecting. Indeed, the unexpected is what you're likely to get. Frank Roger's stories cover a wide range of material, including and transcending the entire spectrum of fantastic literature. Some may detect an influence of Philip K. Dick's dark satires, of J. G. Ballard's poetic surrealism, perhaps even a dash of Jorge Luis Borges' intricate puzzles and labyrinths, lingering in readers' memories longer than anticipated. But in the end you will have to chart your own course through this maddening landscape constructed by a few scores of short stories. We hope you will make it safely to the exit. Wherever the exit happens to be. If there is one at all. -- Frank Roger was born in 1957 in Ghent, Belgium. His first story appeared in 1975. Since then he has written a few hundred stories which have appeared in more than 35 languages in all sorts of magazines, anthologies, and other venues. Apart from fiction, he also produces collages and graphic work in a surrealist and satirical tradition. They have appeared in various magazines and books. -- Ralph Midgley has studied Volapük for forty years. He has translated many texts of all kinds. He is the Secretary of the Volapük Movement, the Secretary of the Academy and editor of the montly magazine "Vög Volapüka".

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Short Stories in Volapuk ed.
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