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Turn to the Fourth Edition of How to Repair Briggs & Stratton Engines for expert guidance on completing any Briggs & Stratton maintenance and repair job quickly and easily. This money-saving resource now includes the latest information on overhead valves (OHV), carburetion advances, new muffler designs, and cutting-edge alternators.
Filled with proven techniques for fixing both brand-new and older model Briggs & Stratton engines, the Fourth Edition of this hands-on reference covers everything from ignition, fuel, and charging starters and engine mechanics. You will find step-by-step instructions for troubleshooting and repairing magnetos...carburetors... governors...alternators...main bearings...flywheels...coils...fuel pumps ...air filters...rewind and electric starters...and connecting rods. Using more than 190 detailed illustrations, the Fourth Edition of How to Repair Briggs & Stratton Engines features:
Inside this Updated Briggs & Stratton Repair Kit. Introduction . The Product Range . Troubleshooting . Ignition Systems . The Fuel System . Starters . Charging Systems . Engine Mechanics . The Overhead Valve Revolution