Want a faster, less painful path to lasting love? Now, a founder of SpeedDating -- hailed by U.S. News & World Report as "the original fast-date service" -- reveals the essential questions you need to ask in order to date, evaluate, and even marry Mr. or Ms. Right. SpeedDating(SM) shows how to judge quickly whether a relationship has a future before a large time or emotional investment has been made.
Based on the worldwide success of SpeedDating events -- a unique form of round-robin dating -- this book translates and expands upon the essential strategies of this dynamic approach to help you date smarter, not longer! Its accessible Q & A format features tools, tactics, and exercises to help you gauge a relationship's true potential. Included are stories of singles who have used SpeedDating's principles to change their approach to dating and find the relationship they were seeking.
For someone in search of a meaningful and lasting relationship, today's dating scene can be brutal. If you want to date with less heartache and heartbreak and a lot more efficiency and fun, let SpeedDating(SM) put you on the fast track to love.