Oh, for the love of lederhosen!
With the state B&B association threatening to yank her innkeeper's license (simply because an occasional corpse just happens to pop up at her Hillside Manor), Judith McMonigle Flynn wants to get away from it all— and agrees to man a booth during Oktoberfest in the mountain aerie of Little Bavaria. With cousin Renie in tow, she hopes to win allies, solicit new guests, and keep her inn not only open but prosperous. The last thing she needs is another homicide sullying her reputation.
But even before the beer begins flowing, Judith stumbles over a body—right in the middle of an oompah band and a herd of German polka dancers. Caught between a wurst and a hard place— vowing this time that she will not get involved, despite the entreaties of a local police chief—Judith hits on a brilliant idea. She'll have Renie pose as the sleuth. After all, what could possibly go wrong?