So you want to go into space? Then The Traveler's Guide to the Solar System is for you, the independent space tourist. It will take you into the most exotic reaches of the solar system, and also help you to discover everything you ever wanted to know about the more traditional and familiar destinations. Is no gravity fun? What's it like on a spacecraft? Can I breathe on Venus? Will I need to take water? To find out, all you'll need is a class V launch vehicle, a space suit, and your toothbrush. . . .
With so many tourist attractions, you won't know where to fly first. Book a week on the Moon and dine in lunar orbit. Have your photo taken with Neil Armstrong's footprint before putting on your heavily shielded space suit and flying off for a walk in the heat on Venus. Discover giant volcanoes, breathtaking mountains, and frozen lava rivers. Explore the remains of Soviet space probes. Play golf in one-sixth gravity. Go ice-skating on Jupiter's moons. The possibilities are endless!