I believe those of us who have gone through serious hardships become, in some cosmic way, related. We form a tribe of battle veterans and fellow pilgrims suffused with knowledge none of us wanted. And although the admission to the club is unexpected and painful, the people you meet once you are there and the person you become will be with you forever.
Crises can rip away our sense of control and shake our beliefs to the core, leaving us feeling stranded in unfamiliar territory. In The Gift of Crisis: Finding your best self in the worst of times Dr. Susan J. Mecca shows us how to tap into our greatest strengths, persevere through our most difficult times, and find the potential gifts that a crisis can bring. Brimming with real-life examples, current research, tools and proven strategies, The Gift of Crisis maps a path through the impossible and heart-breaking events in our lives. It inspires us to bring forth the best of ourselves in order to overcome the challenges we face and uncover the possibilities for personal growth or transformation. Through each of the six stages of a crisis, specific and actionable steps are provided so that we can: