Adult Coloring is not merely an enjoyable and relaxing hobby; it has turned into a new 20th-century self-help de-stressing therapy. Some people even use it as a vehicle of attaining mindfulness. It has become a new modality of mindful meditation. Similar to a conventional meditation approach by focusing your attention actively on a simple repetitive task such as reciting a mantra, coloring is an effortless approach of focusing your mind and blocking out the intrusive thoughts. When you are coloring small shapes of confined areas, your mind will involuntarily focus onto the areas you are working at. This will help you let go of your everyday stress and negative thoughts and a mindful reverie of profound tranquillity will emerge.
Benefits of coloring mandalas:
Cultivating artistic insight
Improving sleep
Lowering blood pressure
Alleviating stress and anxiety
Providing a platform of self-reflection and self-discovery
Promoting tranquillity and Zen mindfulness
There are 44 mandalas of traditional and modern Chinese designs including symbols such as dragons, phoenix, bats, happiness, blessing and Buddhist mudras etc. Each design is printed on a single sided sheet to avoid bleeding through. There are 8 experiment pages which you can utilise for experimentation of coloring techniques, such as mixing and blending with different media.