Creating business process models that can be shared effectively across the business - and between business and IT - demands more than a digest of BPMN shapes and symbols. It requires a step-by-step methodology for going from a blank page to a complete process diagram. It also requires consistent application of a modeling style, so that the modeler's meaning is clear from the diagram itself. Author Bruce Silver explains not only the meaning and proper usage of the entire BPMN
The book addresses BPMN at three levels, with primary focus on the first two. Level 1, or descriptive BPMN, uses a basic working set of shapes and symbols to meet the needs of business users doing process mapping. Level 2, or analytical BPMN, is aimed at business analysts and architects. It takes advantage of BPMN's expressiveness for detailing event and exception handling, key to analyzing and improving process performance and quality. Level 3, or executable BPMN, is brand new in BPMN
Inside the book you'll find discussions, illustrated with over 100 examples, about:
The questions BPMN asks, and does not ask
The meaning of basic concepts like starting and completing, sending and receiving, waiting and listening
Subprocesses and hierarchical modeling style
The five basic steps in creating Level 1 models
Event and exception-handling patterns
Branching and merging patterns
Level 2 modeling method
Elements of BPMN style: element usage and diagram composition