Expert Tips from Vegan Athletes, Fitness Fanatics & Exercise Enthusiasts is a collection of interviews with inspiring vegans who are immersed in the fitness world. You will be introduced to over 100 vegans who share their fitness training, knowledge and advice, their favourite foods, and just what to say when someone asks where they get their protein from!
Many different athletes from all over the world have been interviewed for this book, which started as an online series in 2012. There are Olympians, professional sports people, personal trainers, and those who simply live for working out and being fit.
Many vegan athletes have found success in their fields by adopting a plant-based diet, and a more compassionate, ethical way of living. Use their knowledge and stories as a guiding light towards a brighter future, and as a source of inspiration to encourage your own focus on your chosen fitness goals, and guarantee that you also excel.