Do you yearn to try something new, to spice up your life, to enjoy a new adventure? Is a voice from within calling to you and saying, "Come follow me?" Yet is there another over-powering voice that tells you: "You have too much to do already..." "Don't try - you might fail..." "You're too old..." "You're too fat..." or too whatever?
Read the stories of women from all walks of life who overcame fears and self-doubt to accomplish what they once thought was unattainable. Share in the universal truths these women learned to recognize by taking on a remarkable stretch goal - completing a triathlon!
These are generally not the stories of professional or elite athletes. Rather, they are stories from everyday women. Their ages range from 20-something to 70-something. Some recovered from serious illnesses. Others needed a challenge in their life or a new focus during a transition. What they have in common is setting the goal of completing a triathlon.
Whether you aspire to become a triathlete or to accomplish just about anything outside of your comfort zone, these stories will inspire you to turn your dreams into reality!