The root of the word science is knowledge; the root of the word magic is
wisdom. Serena blends these two spheres of human experience and shows
how the latest scientific research and parapsychological study interact.
The quantum view of matter is overturning the traditional world-view and
the fantastic discoveries being made bring new insights ito the connections
between all forms of magic and science.
We share the exciting results of her research on the scientific validation of
psychic phenomena. Drawing on her ground-breaking work on the pineal
gland - something called the third eye - and the phenomenon of second sight,
she shows that the greatest implication of psychic phenomena is that each of
us is potentially aware of the natural magic of our earth and of everything
in the universe.
"Where Science and Magic Meet is a clearly written, mind-expanding and
compelling exploration of reality at the mysterious boundaries between
mind and matter''
Dean Radin, PhD, Senior Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and author
of The Conscious Universe and Entangled Minds.