"The Urban Farmer is simply the best guide out there for anyone wanting to grow vegetables for market."
-TOBY HEMENWAY, author, Gaia's Garden and The Permaculture City
THERE ARE 43 million acres of lawns in North America. In their current form, these unproductive expanses of grass represent a significant financial and environmental cost - but they can also be seen as a tremendous source of opportunity. Access to land is a major barrier for many people who want to enter the agricultural sector, and urban and suburban yards have huge potential for would-be farmers wanting to become part of this growing movement.
With only a small capital investment, and without the need to own land, you can become part of this growing movement. The Urban Farmer will help you learn the crops, techniques, and business strategies you need to make a good living growing food intensively right in your own backyard.
Growing food in the city means that fresh crops may travel only a few blocks from field to table, making this innovative approach the next logical step in the local food movement. Based on a scalable, easily reproduced business model, The Urban Farmer is your complete guide to minimizing risk and maximizing profit by using intensive production, and making a good living growing high-yield, high-value crops right in your own backyard (or someone else's).
"Curtis Stone is at the forefront of a stirring revolution. Urban farming will change what local food means and I know of no other farmer that is as successful at it as he is."
- JEAN-MARTIN FORTIER, author, The Market Gardener"I have no hesitation in saying that The Urban Farmer by Curtis Stone is one of the most important, and overdue, books on urban agriculture ever published."
- ROB HOPKINS, Founder of the Transition movement and author, The Power of Just Doing Stuff
CURTIS STONE is the owner/operator of Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm growing vegetables for farmers markets, restaurants, and retail outlets. During his slower months, Curtis works as a public speaker, teacher, and consultant, sharing his story to inspire a new generation of farmers.