Top talent from both industry and academia (H-P, MIT, etc.) are represented in this up-to-date handbook. It specifically includes all industry segments developing new multimedia products and services. Hot topics like digital libraries, java, multimedia databases are well represented. The Editor-in-Chief is highly visible and well-known in the professional community. TOC:Multimedia authoring systems.- Multimedia information systems.- Distributed multimedia systems.- Visual information systems.- Cross modal information retrieval.- Interactive systems for learning and teaching.- Multimedia virtual reality systems.- Multimedia messaging systems.- Multimedia new systems.- Multimedia publishing systems. Conferencing and collaborative computing.- Video-on-demand systems.- Interactive television systems.- Digital libraries.- Multimedia education and training.- Interactive movies.- Generating hypermedia documents fron transcriptions of television programs.- Multimedia and virtual organizations.- Multimedia applications on the internet - US Perspective. Multimedia applications on the internet - Asian perspective. World Wide Web and multimedia. Multimedia document systems - US perspective. Multimedia document systems - Asian perspective. Virtual reality for browsing multimedia.- Multimedia in control and automation applications. Multimedia logging, archiving, and retrieval. Detection and recognition of television commercials.- Hypermedia systems and applications. Java and related applications.