10 Senator a. D. Georg Wittwer From Good Design to Immaterial Goods 14 Nikolaus Kuhnert, Wolfgang Wagener The Changing Character of Work in the Metropolis 20 Edzard Reuter Contemporary Industrial Building 34 Karin Roth The New Factory 42 Regina Katerndahl, Hajo Keller, Dieter Scholz The Spirit is the Inspirator of Berlin 50 Wolf Jobst Siedler Encouraging Quality 60 Richard Rogers Industrial Buildings for Berlin Four Tasks, Four Projects 74 Project for Rotaprint in Wedding 76 78 Haseloff, Hendel 82 Rogers 88 von Seidlein Project for Heliowatt in Charlottenburg 92 94 Brandt, Bottcher 98 Kaplicky 102 Kiessler 108 Nouvel Project for Bosch in Spandau 112 114 Bayerer, Schuster, Hanson, Heidenreich 118 Ganz, Rolfes 122 Schulitz 126 Vasconi Project for a Gewerbehof in Moabit 130 132 Achatzi, Backmann, Schieber 134 Beh rendt, Stutzer 136 Dorr, Ludolf, Wimmer 138 Dudler 140 Leon, Wohlhage 142 Mallwitz 144 Muller, Reimann, Scholz-Weinland, von Senger 146 Platzer 148 Quick, Quick, Backmann 150 Wolf 152 Student Group of the TU Seminars in Berlin "Fragments of Utopianism vs. Pieces of Pettiness" 156 Rudolf Stegers Discussing the Beriinmodellindustriekultur Perspectives for Berlin Project for Herbst in Lankwitz 178 Project for a Gewerbezentrum in Kreuzberg 180 Afterword 182 N. Kuhnert, V. Martin, K. Pachter, H. Suhr Vorwort 9 Senator Wolfgang Nagel Uberlegungen zu Berlin EinfUhrung 11 Senator a. D.