Everything we want in life comes as a direct result ofpersuasion. Regardless of our job titles, careers, dreams,or goals, our ability to influence others is the key tosuccess. Whether we're selling a product, presenting anidea, asking for a raise, or influencing someone to be abetter person, persuasion is the magic ingredient.
Yetdespite the fact that much has changed in recent yearsregarding how people are persuaded-having become morediscerning due to an onslought of countless persuasivemessages through e-mail, TV, and other media every day-many of us continue to use outdated techniques forconvincing others...or worse yet, have no technique at all.
Kurt Mortensen, through his Persuasion Institute, hassought out and studied the world's top persuaders, and withhis specially formulated Persuasion I.Q. assessment-themost comprehensive persuasion resource available today-he lets readers in on the essential habits, traits, and skillsnecessary to cultivate their natural persuasive abilities.