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The Acceptance of Human Resource Innovation: Lessons for Management

The Acceptance of Human Resource Innovation: Lessons for Management


The Acceptance of Human Resource Innovation, based on a survey done by the author at the Valiant Insurance Corp., examines the adoption, implementation and acceptance of workplace innovations introduced by management. The purpose of the book is to provide an understanding of the gap that exists between the stated purpose of a new human resource program and its actual achievements. The study done at the insurance company was designed to measure employee reaction to and acceptance of the following human resource innovations: quality circles, job posting, flex-time, a fitness program, flexible benefits, case rewards, an employee newsletter and a peer award. The study found that executives and managers were more accepting of these innovations than were lower level employees. Personnel Administrator A practical guide for personnel managers and human resource professionals, this book examines the adoption, implementation, and acceptance of work innovations introduced by management.
The study is based on an extensive survey undertaken at a major insurance company to measure employee reactions to and acceptance of eight innovations: quality circles, job posting, flextime, a fitness program, flexible benefits, cash awards, an employee newsletter, and a peer award. The author analyzes why employees tend to accept certain innovations while rejecting others and offers suggestions for encouraging employee acceptance when it is lacking. Kossek begins with an interdisciplinary review of theory from the innovation, personnel, and organizational development literature. The following chapters describe the research design, examine critical historical events in the adoption of the innovations studied, and set forth the measures used in the human resource innovation survey which forms the basis for the book. In analyzing her results, the author looks at differences in acceptance of innovations as a function of hierarchical level, race, sex, seniority, unit differences, and the properties of the innovations themselves. Based on her results, the author offers practical guidelines for the successful implementation of new programs and innovations.
An indispensable tool for human resource managers and executives, this book will also be of significant value to students and researchers in the field.

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Bound edition
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Quorum Books
Bound edition
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Publication date:
Quorum Books


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