The unprecedented global economic growth of recent decades is closely tied to the trading relations that have developed in the postwar period. The authors of The Protectionist Threat to Corporate America explore the potential impact of protectionism on these relationships, arguing that trade barriers pose a danger not only to U.S. economic growth but to world trade as a whole. Gearing their discussion to the needs of the business community, they offer a clear, systematic explanation of the underlying principles that govern international trade, the consequences of protectionism, and practical strategies for developing effective competition. The first four chapters examine the nature of trade, the power relations that influence it, and the dilemma created by trade deficits, monetary instability, and declining competitiveness. In the next section, Nevaer and Deck outline a four-point program designed to reverse the slippage in productivity and competitiveness that has eroded America's economic position in the world community.
They present guidelines for creating a competitive advantage, maximizing strengths, utilizing a more dynamic management style, and harnessing the benefits of economies of scale and scope. In case studies of industries in the service sector and the high-tech field, Nevaer and Deck show how a competitive edge can be achieved by identifying opportunities and developing sound strategies for exploiting them. An important working tool for corporate managers, this book will enable business people to see beyond current political rhetoric and make realistic decisions on some of the most fundamental issues affecting the nation's economy.