Taking the work out of workflow: Mechanisms for document-centered collaboration.- The Manufaktur: Supporting work practice in (landscape) architecture.- Six roles of documents in professionals" work.- AREA: A cross-application notification service for groupware.- Moving out of the meeting room: Exploring support for mobile meetings.- Activity Awareness: Framework for sharing knowledge of people, projects, and places.- The properties of mixed reality boundaries.- The adoption and use of BABBLE: A field study of chat in the workplace.- Meeting at the desktop: An empirical study of virtually collocated teams.- Broadcasting on-line social interaction as inhabited television.- A groupware" s life.- The network communities of SeniorNet.- GestureLaser and GestureLaser Car: Development of an embodied space to support remote instruction.- Exploring support for knowledge management in mobile work.- Dynamics in wastewater treatment: A framework for understanding formal constructs in complex technical settings.- WebDAV: A network protocol for remote collaborative authoring on the Web.- Informing collaborative information visualisation through an ethnography of ambulance control.- Moving document collections online: The evolution of a shared repository.- PSI: A Platform for Shared Interaction.- An experiment in interoperating heterogeneous collaborative systems.- NESSIE: An awareness environment for cooperative settings.- Meaning-making across remote sites: How delays in transmission affect interaction.- Augmenting the workaday world with Elvin.- Index of Authors.