With this book you will gain a clear understanding of the requirements imposed by the EMC Directive and the various routes which must be taken to achieve full certification. The EMC Directive came into force 1 January 1992 and became a legal requirement effective 1 January 1996. From this latter date, electrical and electronic products which do not comply with the requirements of the EMC Directive may not longer be sold or used within the European Economic area (EEA). This stipulation carries many consequences, not only for manufacturers and importers within the EEA, but also for those outside the EEA. Since its adoption, interest in the requirements imposed by the Directive has grown sharply and a great demand has developed from the market for more clarity, in particular with regard to the necessary certification procedure to follow, so that a product complies with the requirements imposed by the Directive. This book entitled 'CE Marking for EMC Directive' has been specifically written for the American market and is intended for anyone dealing with electrical and electronic products, either professionally or indirectly.
You will gain a clear understanding of the requirements imposed by the EMC Directive and the various routes which must be taken to achieve full certification. You are provided with support in the form of clear texts, practical examples, well organized diagrams and drawings. Furthermore, questions arising from practice are answered and an appendix contains an up-to-date list of standards which can help you achieve certification as efficiently as possible. One appendix to this book contains the complete text of the EMC Directive, which also makes this book a very complete and practical reference work. We hope this book clarifies matters for anyone who has anything to do with the EMC Directives.