Find everything fast...from iCal, Address Book, Apple Mail, even MobileMe and iPhone
. Use Bento's stunning templates and themes
. Master Smart Collections and other advanced features
. Keep a nature/garden log
. Manage projects
. Create storyboards
. And more...much more
Bento is the best way to organize your life.
Your contacts, events, tasks, projects, stuff, everything.
This book makes Bento even better. (And even easier.)
Learn how to use everything that's built into Bento...and extend Bento
to do even more.
Quick. Elegant. Smart. And 100% Mac.
That's Bento. And that's the Bento Book.
Bento 2 adds new features.
Find out what's new and how to use hot relations, export
and import Bento libraries, and use new view features.