Prepare for the CEH certification exam with this official review guide
Learn how to identify security risks to networks and computers and get the serious preparation you need for the challenging Certified Ethical Hacker certification exam 312-
- The only review guide officially endorsed by EC-Council, this concise book covers all of the exam objectives and includes a CD with a host of additional study tools.
* Easy-to-use book is organized by exam objectives for quick review
* Flexible review guide goes hand-in-hand with any learning tool on the market
* "Exam Essentials" in each chapter helps you zero in on what you need to know
* Book includes over 300 review questions and practice tools
Look inside for complete review coverage of all exam objectives for CEH exam 312-
- Featured on the CD
Test your knowledge with advanced testing software. Includes bonus exams and glossary.
Reinforce your understanding with flashcards that can run on your PC, Pocket PC, or Palm handheld.