The Microsoft Windows .NET Compact Framework brings the power of the .NET Framework to handheld devices such as Pocket PCs and smart phones. Learn exactly how to build killer applications-and how to solve typical problems-in developing for resource-constrained devices with this book. You'll find specifics on how to develop GUI elements with Windows Forms, access and store data with Microsoft ADO.NET and integrate it across the enterprise with XML Web services, work with Microsoft SQL Server CE, develop applications that connect and disconnect across wireless networks, and more-all with working code samples. You even get a quick reference to the differences between the .NET Compact Framework and the full .NET Framework. Topics covered include: * Introducing the Windows .NET Compact Framework and architecture * Developing applications with the Compact Framework * GUI development with Windows Forms and building Windows Forms applications *Testing, debugging, completing, and distributing your applications * Collection classes * Working with dates and strings * Working with XML * Input and output * Networking * Application security features * Accessing data * Working with ADO.N
ET data objects * Working with XML Web services * Integrating data with SQL Server and using SQL Server CE * Building custom controls * Globalization and localization * Multithreading * Graphics programming * Interoperating with native code * Migrating embedded Visual Tools applications