Losing his beloved wife as modern civilization crumbled around him is the hardest thing Tex Pemberton has ever had to face - harder, even, than his tours of duty in the Middle East. But, with a young son and Victoria, his best friend and Army buddy's widow, to protect, Tex has no choice but to survive. As one of the leaders of the Little Alamo, a survivalist community deep in Texas pine country, Tex planned and helped build an entire small fort town for over a hundred forty souls in preparation for the After Times, and vowed to keep them all safe. But, as the crops fail and resources rapidly begin to run out, tensions mount among the increased threat of attack by outsiders, and Tex is forced to make the impossible decision of attacking a neighboring community in order to save his people. Tex also faces the biggest challenge of his life so far? Love.Finding himself falling deeply in love with Victoria, Tex realizes it's one battle he simply can't fight, even though he's wary of getting hurt and emotionally scarred by the death of his wife. And so, the two lovers embark upon a relationship entwined with romance, guilt, and dark secrets - one that is fated to end in heartbreak and death.