William Fitzsimmons ist hierzulande immer ein gern gesehener Gast. In den letzten Jahren wuchs seine Anhängerschaft stetig - und die wartet auf neue Songs vom bärtigen Barden. Bevor demnächst ein neues Album erscheinen wird, verkürzt er das Warten mit zwei Minialben und einer kleinen Tour. Das erste Minialbum trägt den Titel "Pittsburgh". In insgesamt sieben Songs verarbeitet William Fitzsimmons darauf erneut sehr persönliche Erfahrungen: "My grandmother, Virginia, died October 15, 2014. She was born and raised in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The city of my youth. She gave the gift of music to my mother, and, from my mother, was thus passed to me. In that same month I returned home for three days to celebrate Virginia's life, mourn her passing, and help to lay her body to rest. These seven songs were born from those three days and are in memoriam to her passing and in remembrance of the city we shared. She will be perpetually missed. Until the day we meet again."
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