Die komplette 6. Staffel mit folgenden Episoden: 1. "Das Zeichen" (The One after Vegas), 2. "Wer liebt wen?" (The One where Ross hugs Rachel), 3. "Zimmer gesucht" (The One with Ross's Denial), 4. "Prof. Dr. Geller" (The One where Joey Loses his Insurance), 5. "Der Traum vom Porsche" (The One with Joey's Porsche), 6. "Der letzte Abend" (The One on the Last Night), 7. "Flirt-Verbot" (The One where Phoebe Runs), 8. "Ein strahlender Eindruck" (The One with Ross's Teeth), 9. "Jugendsünden" (The One where Ross Got High), 10. "Die alte Nummer" (The One with the Routine), 11. "Lautes Blah-Blah" (The One with the Apothecary Table), 12. "Der Playboy-Witz" (The One with the Joke), 13. "Schwestern" (The One with Rachel's Sister), 14. "Echte Männer weinen nicht" (The One where Chandler Can't Cry), 15. "Was wäre wenn" (Doppelfolge: The One that Could Have Been 16. "Verteidigung im Kopf" (The One with Unagi), 17. "Professor trifft Studentin" (The One where Ross Dates a Student), 18. "Semesterferien" (The One with Joey's Fridge), 19. "Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E." (The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.) 20. "Mr. Stevens" (The One where Ross Meets Elizabeht's Dad), 21. "Ein toller Typ" (The One where Paul's the Man), 22. "Ein besonderer Ring" (The One with the Ring), 23. "Der Antrag" (Doppelfolge: The One with the Proposal)