Composed sometime around 1716-17, Vivaldi's group of four violin concertos The Four Seasons were revolutionary in their use of musical effects to depict natural phenomena. Barking dogs, birds, bees, thunderstorms, frozen landscapes and much else finds musical expression in these ever popular concertos. This score of Summer (Concerto for Violin in E Major, Op.8 No.1 \/ F.I:22 \/ P.241 \/ RV269) contains an idiomatic piano accompaniment score and separate violin part.<\/p>
Violinkonzert g-Moll op. 8 Nr. 2 Der Sommer (Ausgabe f\u00fcr Violine und Klavier)<\/strong>
Das ber\u00fchmteste Werk Vivaldis in vier Einzelausgaben. Die Begleit-CD MP9055 enth\u00e4lt den gesamten Jahreszeiten-Zyklus.<\/p><\/P>"