\"This new edition of Einstein's popular presentation of both special and general relativity is a joy to read. Over the past hundred years, relativity has been brought to the public in many forms--magazines, books, documentaries--but there's nothing quite like being guided through one of the most profound scientific insights of all time by the master himself.\"--Brian Greene, Columbia University<\/b><\/p>
\"This book is not only an important historical document, but displays the style and clarity of Einstein's thought in a manner accessible to a wide readership. It's good that it is being reissued in this fine new edition to mark the centenary of his greatest insights.\"--Martin Rees, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, and Astronomer Royal<\/b><\/p>
\"I grew up reading this book. Many people have written expositions of relativity, but the master himself speaks with a certain authority. We get not only the content of the ideas, but the thought processes that helped create them. There's nothing quite like learning relativity from Einstein.\"--Sean Carroll, California Institute of Technology<\/b><\/p>
\"This book will play a vital role in introducing new readers to Einstein and the many fascinating questions surrounding his work.\"--Richard Staley, author of Einstein's Generation: The Origins of the Relativity Revolution<\/i><\/b><\/p>
\"This exciting new edition of Einstein's book will be of real interest to scholars as well as general readers--and it is perfectly timed for the centennial of Einstein's general theory of relativity.\"--David Kaiser, author of How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival<\/i><\/b><\/p><\/P>"