The main focus of this year's Proceedings of the 53rd Course of the International School of Subnuclear Physics is the future of physics, including the new frontiers in other fields.
Sample Chapter(s)
The Future of Our Physics (15,569 KB)
Contents: The Future of Our Physics (A Zichichi); Majorana Fermions in Particle Physics, Solid State and Quantum Information (M J Duff); Majorana Fermions, Supersymmetry Breaking, and Born-Infeld Theory (S Ferrara); Gravity as the Square of Yang-Mills? (M J Duff); Strong Coupling and Classicalization (G Dvali); Texture Zero Mass Matrices and Flavour Mixing of Quarks and Leptons (H Fritzsch); Roadmap at the LHC to the Higgs Boson and Beyond (P Jenni); IceCube: The Discovery of High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos (F Halzen); New Physics is Needed to Understand Black Holes (G 't Hooft); Low-l CMB from String-Scale SUSY Breaking? (A Sagnotti); The LAA Impact on Technology R&D: From Past to Future (H Wenninger); Neutrinos: Measuring the Unexpected (A Bettini); Highlights from INFN (F Ferroni); Highlights from ALICE (P Giubellino); The High Luminosity LHC Project (L Rossi); Highlights from BNL and RHIC 2015 (M J Tannenbaum); LHCb - Selected Highlights and Future Prospects (G Wilkinson); Cosmology and Fundamental Physics (P Ferreira); Planck Satellite: Latest Data and Proof of Inflation (A Riazuelo); Neutrino Physics in China (L Wen); New Talents Celebration (A Zichichi); Diplomas and Awards; Participants;