The Permanent Inventory of AGricultural REsearch Projects (AGREP) is an information system on current projects in agriculture and related fields in the Member States of the European Communities (Belgium, Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom). Its creation is based upon a regulation of the Council of Ministers of the European Communities concerning the coordination of agricultural research (Council Regulation No 1728174 of 27 June, 1974). AGREP covers agriculture in an extensive sense of the word, i.e. including fields like fisheries and forestry, land use and development, conservation of nature, veterinary medicine, food science and technology, as well as agricultural economics and rural sociology. A detailed scope description is given in the subject classification facets "fields of research" and "subject areas" as presented on the introductory pages of the two printed volumes. The data base is fully computerized. It is available in printed form and on magnetic tape. On-line access is offered by EURONETIDIANE (DIrect Access Network for Europe). The data base is updated annually. The ,1980 issue of AGREP contains about 21.000 title citations of agricultural research projects. AGREP is a cooperative system. The national focal points (NFPs) collect input and provide it in an agreed format to the Commission which sponsors the management of the system and the provision of output to the Member Countries.