This book examines morphogenetic processes based on a combination of digital and analogue modeling and manufacturing techniques. Traditional physical modelling techniques were combined with digital 3d modelling and manufacturing technologies, informing the emerging constructs with additional components. These modules can in many cases be translated into architectural designs. They operate as precursors of architecture to come. These visual studies have been produced in the academic context of the Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany). The produced output proves not only to be an exciting new way in educational motivation and systematic architectural approach, but also serves as an important step of intruducing (future) architects into the understanding and handling of complex geometries and novel CAD / CAM technologies. Asterios Agkathidis studied architecture in the AU Thessaloniki and the RWTH Aachen, completing his postgraduate studies in Advanced Architectural Design at the Staedelschule Architecture Class (Frankfurt). He became a partner at b&k+ (Cologne), then worked for VMX architects (Amsterdam). He later founded the architecture and research laboratory a3lab Frankfurt-Thessaloniki and has been planning and realizing projects around the world since then. His work has been published, awarded and exhibited widely. His teaching and lecturing experiences include AdbK Nuremberg, TU Darmstadt, AU Thessaloniki, University of Thessaly, Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Columbia University and the Staedelschule Architecture Class. He was visiting assistant professor at the Lebanese American University and senior lecturer at Raffles Design Institute Shanghai. Today he holds a Lectureship for Digital Design at the University of Liverpool.