Randolph Carter
Based on Part One of the classic novel by Emily Bronte
Characters: 3 male, 3 female
Multiple Interior Scenes
Catherine Ernshaw has inherited Wuthering Heights, together with its occupants, a couple of servants and a wild gypsy boy with whom she has grown up, Heathcliff. Catherine has a violent quarrel with Heathcliff one night, and he disappears into the storm. Shortly thereafter Catherine marries a neighbor named Edgar, and moves away. Heathcliff returns to live in Wuthering Heights, and marries Edgar's sister for spite. He leads her an unhappy life, and infuriates Catherine. One day Catherine falls ill, and in this state goes to visit Wuthering Heights. Edgar follows, and a violent scene ensues, at the height of which Catherine dies. The tempestuous love affair is ended.