The realms of biochemistry, nutrition, physiology and psychology are finally made accessible to the athlete in this long-awaited text which has been written for anyone who wishes to understand more about the scientific basis of athletic training and performance. The authors have provided a wealth of information on this subject and, at the same time, have succeeded in producing a creative, up-to-date, easy to understand but completely authoritative text which will appeal to athletes at any stage of their career, as well as coaches and physicians. It is also intended to help students of sports science, in particular those who do not have a strong background in science. By presenting ' biochemistry without the equations and physiology without the mathematics' the authors have ensured that the book will have a wide audience. Features include a highly illustrated text, high carbohydrate recipe suggestions for athletes, practical training schedules and a comprehensive bibliography. Includes training schedules by Bruce Tulloh, gold medalist and currently training editor of Runner' s World. "Overall a great book - possibly the best that' s been published for years." Today' s Runner "Absolutely excellent - combines aspects of physiology and biochemistry and I for one will utilise it thoroughly in any course I am running." N. C. Craig Sharp, Professor of Sports Science, University of Limerick and former Senior Physiologist at the Olympic Medical Centre, London