Tips and techniques for shooting and sharing superb digital videos
Never before has video been more popular-or more accessible to the home videographer. Now you can create YouTube-worthy, professional-looking video, with the help of this richly illustrated guide. In a straightforward, simple, highly visual format, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Digital Video demystifies the secrets of great video. With colorful screenshots and illustrations plus step-by-step instructions, the book explains the features of your camera and their capabilities, and shows you how to go beyond "auto" to manually adjust the settings for just the effect you want.
* Know how to get the most out of your camera, whether it's a high definition video recorder or a still camera with video capabilities
* Set exposure, white balance, and shutter speed to achieve optimum results for your subject
* Learn how to edit and enhance your video with after capture softwareShare your work with friends, family, or professional colleagues on the Web, through YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Google, Yahoo, Flicker, and other sites
Jam packed with hints and simple tips, this handy, full-color visual guide will give you the tools and techniques to create better homemade videos or make the jump from amateur to prosumer.