This book provides a comprehensive introduction to radiogenic andstable isotope geochemistry. Beginning with a brief overview ofnuclear physics and nuclear origins, it then reviews radioactivedecay schemes and their use in geochronology. A following chaptercovers the closely related techniques such as fission-track andcarbon-14 dating. Subsequent chapters cover nucleosyntheticanomalies in meteorites and early solar system chronology and theuse of radiogenic isotopes in understanding the evolution of theEarth's mantle, crust, and oceans. Attention then turns tostable isotopes and after reviewing the basic principles involved,the book explores their use in topics as diverse as mantleevolution, archeology and paleontology, ore formation, and,particularly, paleoclimatology. A following chapter explores recentdevelopments including unconventional stable isotopes,mass-independent fractionation, and isotopic'clumping'. The final chapter reviews the isotopicvariation in the noble gases, which result from both radioactivedecay and chemical fractionations.