Vienna can be easily overlooked as a city of opportunity. A charming city of the past, merely a reminder of its history, with its best days behind it. When in fact, it could not be further from the truth. With a number of advantages - its location in the heart of Europe, low development costs and even Global Entrepreneurship Monitor finding Austria to be the strongest country in Europe for pre-seed investment in 2016 - the Viennese startup scene can no longer be overlooked.
Whether you're new to the city, new to the startup scene or a seasoned pro looking for a new venture, Startup Guide Vienna looks to provide fresh new tips, expert insights and insider city know how - to give you all the info you and your startup need.
Startup Guide Vienna was made in partnership with Wiener Strategieforum and WU Gründungszentrum and supported by Vienna Business Agency and WKO Wien.